. >> do you read james carvel suggestion he may want to take a toke off the toronto mayor's crack piperesident ought to keep his pledge? do you view that as political maneuver to pave the way for it clintons running? >> many fellow democrats in the senate are run wachlth something hasn't been publicized every democrat in the senate voted for a rule that allows cancellation that's came up for review. we had a vote on this three months after obama care. we voted every democrat voted to up hold the rule that allows your insurance to be cancelled that causes you to lose your doctor. this was voted for. so this is their baby. they're going to have trouble running from this. >> you've got a little bit of a feud with the governor of new won reelection. it seems to be among some, the sdrier for a corno nation. if i was in new jersey i would have voted for governor christy. as i look at the electoral map and his position, i don't think the economy is that great in new jersey. i think some of his appointments, when vetted vetted are going to be controversial. does he have a problem in your view