dr. hambry talked about. but i think we're at a point where everybody agrees this, is the time we have to act. we started october 29 with a hearing look back at the last 25 years of acquisition reform efforts. three excellent witnesses that came the insights. we're going to continue across government and outside of government. and, again, so far, there's been nothing but eagerness to help. i expect we're going to have working groups across organizations in the coming months and obviously we're going to have hearings directly on this topic. but in addition to that, this topic is going to shape all of the rest of the hearings we have. whether it's shipbuilding or airplanes or how to best meet the needs of our service people who are deployed and the contract support there. these questions are going to influence all of the hearings that we have in the coming years. now, we're not looking at this as, okay, we're going to take two years to study it and come out with a 2,000-page bill to come out with all of the pro