. >> g1. it does say entertainment. >> yes. >> so technically all of the entertainment needs to come to us. if they are offering entertainment. >> they need to be licensed otherwise there is nobody looking over how loud the entertainment goes and the out reach and that sort of thing. >> that is why we are here. >> i disagree and let me tell you why i disagree. and so, g, definds what entertainment is. >> k, however, definds what a place of entertainment is. so that is different. a place of entertainment is different than what entertainment is. and reciting poetry could be considered entertainment. but, up to, give up a premise for a place of entertainment and what are we talking about what is entertainment? is actually k. now, i may be totally wrong and i may not be understanding this. but, >> i will just saying, that is how we have been operating and if someone is presenting entertainment and it is open to the public and the people are paying money to enter and to experience that entertainmen