and but, we are not mimeys we are actually imbies, that means in my backyard please, we are 100 percent for this. and i think that i have attended a number of these meetings, that responsiveness of the lawyers and the planning to you, and what has been raised i think is come mendable and i think that this just keeps getting more exciting all of the time and i see that this is a landmark. and it is going to be a world famous landmark. and the aesthetics are just stunning. and i predict, that when this is built, that this will be one of the ten most photographed places in the united states. the connection are powerful. and the tourists money that is going to come, is fantastic. and the revenues that are currently going down into the south bay for entertainment sites, and are going to be here. and i think that this small business is the speaker, talked about will be definitely beneficiaries. and i think that public transportation is really quite excellent when you think about the trainings and the part and in the moving and the buses and the east bay terminal. and you really can't put it m