. >> i can't find anywhere and if mr. renny is in the audience and there are other people here, i cannot find the admission charge and there are a lot of sections to this and maybe i am missing it. >> 1060 g. >> g. >> okay. let me see. gone. >> g1. it does say entertainment. >> yes. >> so technically all of the entertainment needs to come to us. if they are offering entertainment. >> they need to be licensed otherwise there is nobody looking over how loud the entertainment goes and the out reach and that sort of thing. >> that is why we are here. >> i disagree and let me tell you why i disagree. and so, g, definds what entertainment is. >> k, however, definds what a place of entertainment is. so that is different. a place of entertainment is different than what entertainment is. and reciting poetry could be considered entertainment. but, up to, give up a premise for a place of entertainment and what are we talking about what is entertainment? is actually k. now, i may be totally wrong and i may not be understanding this. but, >