frederick august on high excuse to denationalize money because our first step in this direction said frank schaffner a member of the german parliament's finance committee who has pushed for a legal classification of bitcoins bitcoin as a commodity yes that's true that's what we've been saying all along it's a precious number just like gold is a precious metal and you have monetary metals like gold that are used as money and over thousands of years as we had for the. next period of our life here on planet earth humans will switch from the monetary metal of gold to the monetary number numeral is ation of bitcoin which is a precious number there are twenty one million of these precious numbers to be mined in total and they are the monetary new numeric see that will carry us into the twenty first century so china is correct and the chinese people are correct if they ever want to preserve their wealth they have gold silver and bitcoin to do so now back to the story about germany accepting it as private money so c.b.c. went on to interview kathleen brooks a research director at fork's dot com and she told