at face value it looks like he got his wish, he got his signature lejs lashgs bravo, it was a true you've for him, whether people like it or not, it was a signature achievement, then he dropped the ball. >> ben's right and i'm -- >> whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what did you say? >> ben is right. breaking news. ben stein is right. except for the part about nixon. he probably should have played more golf, it would have gotten him into less trouble. >> bill clinton played a lot of golf and it did not avoid trouble. >> there are a lot of golf analogies we could talk about. ben's right, obama dropped the ball on this. it doesn't surprise me he may have only met with her once beuse he certainly didn't do anything else he needed to do to make this rollout a success. look, obama care, said this before, is a good policy. the implementation is horrific. >> poorly executed. the nebraska senator who's now heading up all these insurance commissioners, he was telling me, i thought it was revealing, that they did wince at the time when the president said, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doct