what lenny express it this way. -- >> let me express it this way. i do not discuss the policy. i am not in the position to discuss what i think about it today. i am assisting the states in implementing it. some of the states are opposed to the affordable care act are very supportive. i support both sides. it is not appropriate for me to go back and reconsider and discuss policy at this point in time. think that is probably understood. robustrly, there is a debate not only about whether the law should be repealed or are the stepswhat that should be taken to ensure that the law works as it was intended. your members, even some of whom opposed the law, believe it is a good public policy reasons for engaging in discussions on how to improve it. the top fewthink of things that need to be done legislatively or administratively to make the law work better for consumers and the states? there are a lot of things that have been discussed. unfortunately, the act is frozen in time with changes to the act by notto the white house enforcing certain provisions such as cancellations. there are