nancy cunard, a british heiress who lost everything because she refused to renounce her love of blacknessoted most important years of her life to trying to make what was wonderful that she saw and black culture available to whites. there's probably enough. >> an occasion to read briefly from the book. the first one i will ask you to read is a poem that you did not write. >> i did not. >> disclaimer necessary because i will lead but this palm made me cringe a bit. but you choose to put this palm front and center. it's called a white rose prayer. read that the woman top of the but about its context and what you just put it where you did. >> and with everyone's okay i will go up to the podium for this one. how is the sound? so this is the frontispiece of the book. and there was a time in the late 1920's and early 1930's when the crisis, one of the two most important journals in hong kong on black culture and, indeed, the nation, started turning its the last page of which was a long running feature in the paper, started turning the poet pager over to being a foreign for wide use of race. this