in a memo, ray mabus instructed strategies toview see a proper procedures were being followed.his is half an hour. >> good morning. first, i want to apologize for my voice. i have caught something, and people have suggested it is because i stood out for six hours in the freezing rain at army navy, but i'm pretty sure that was not the reason it happened. as john kirby said, i'm going to make a few remarks and then take questions. he noted that the admiral and mr. branch are here if you want to go into greater detail at greater length. prevention, identification, and action against fraud against the government has been a focus of mine since i first entered public service in mississippi as state auditor, and i have continued putting an action. lately, our efforts to go after contracting fraud have produced some headlines. while we are obviously not pleased about the conduct of those involved in the case, i do believe that the discovery of the allegations are indications that our efforts are working. i have not spoken publicly about this case before, and i am still restricted in wh