. >> stephen pyne says there is a perfect storm of factors - the build-up of dry brush, warmer temperatures due to climate change, and decades of poor land management. >> excluding fire from systems that had known it for thousands and in some cases millions of years. >> and now there is a new problem to contend with. >> in the last decade alone, some estimate two out of every three new homes in the us have been built in fire-prone areas. >> what we're doing is recolonizing rural america. just as agricultural frontier in the 19th century gave rise to a wave of fires that burned over whole communities we've repeated that in a new form. >> the black forest fire was in an area of colorado that's seen some of the most intensive spread of this kind of development - projects like cathedral pines, which was right in the path of the fire. >> we did 59 lots and i sold every single lot in one day. >> that's incredible. >> it was the market, it was hot, and people love the community, love being in the trees. >> bart atkinson spent years developing this multi-million dollar residential complex in the mi