sxe. during the excavation of a new garage, under the permit application a section of the foundation on the adjacent building of 3040 jackson street, has clansed the area of the collapse is on your property's west property line, stop all work at the base level and obtain a report from the engineer and the geotechnical engineer, and the recommends on how to proceed at the intended excavation and we called it the san francisco building code section 102 a, for the building. and obtain a shoring permit before proceeding with any work, the permit shall show a sequence of work with the details on the exact of the excavation, and we ask for a copy of the permit. and as well as that prior to any work starting on the said permit, we wanted them to do the required, notification to the adjacent neighbors on both sides, of the intended excavation, and so, i believe what we got on this permit was a permit in my opinion for the sequencing of the excavation, and they were showing it being done in alterna