predent wod do this, but i thought it strange at the preident would not admit that he did not have theauthoritybou the rus that bind president annan people. and we really don't get an angel, we get it over. so we really dowant the bill of rights to protect us at all times. hn: many say it is that internally. but john mccain said this. >> needs to do more thn firing liertarian kids and thr college dorms. >> it id fire up libertarian kids. i thought that was grea. stand with him on twitter, it's about. but you worked with senator john mccain. how is that going? >> we have a good personal relationship and i espect him as a war hero. it doesn't mea it is always right, but he deserves our respect and others for his time spt as a prisoner of war. but one of point of view is that if you are deemed to be dangero, of course we can't incarcerate you with no trial and no attorney and no charges. in my response to tha is that it begs the question. who gets to determine whether r not you are guilty you of something? the government has criteria that says that you aresuspicious if you like to pay cash at the