ak rowmegaly, giantism and also vision problems. in the biblical stories, the fact that goliath clearly can't see properly. here we have a shepherd boy who's changed the rumtion and not told -- rules and not told anybody, he's up against the giant who has got severe disabilities. >> he should have won. >> it suggests to us that we have exaggerated the advantages of giants and underestimated the advantages of small, nimble audacious people with cutting-edge technology, right? which by the way to anyone who has lived in the 21st century this reinterpretation should not come as a surprise. >> you have actually given some thought to how this applies to other things. in fact you've got some remp in the book -- research in the book that says that a lot of times when an inferior army has taken up against a superior army they've won. >> research done by ivan toft historian, wars one country is ten tiemsd greater than the other, you look at in those instances where the smaller country has chose to fight unconventionally, they win the majorit