Jan 11, 2014
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Él contÓ como se ferro a un ala de la destrozada aeronave. pero a pesar de tener un salvavidas. los 9 a bordo, uno perdiÓ la vida. los 8 restantes fueron rescatados sanos y salvos. dos camiones de carga, impactados por un tren, esto ocurriÓ en mÉxico. un vehÍculo se quedÓ varado sobre rieles, arrastrado por la locomotora, no hubo lesionados. >>> con severas heridas en la cabeza y el rostro ensangrentado una mujer en perÚ. porque su esposo la golpeÓ con un barra de hierro, al regresar borracho a la casa, ella saliÓ para asistiro a una reuniÓn de la iglesia, los abusos eran conocidos por todos en el vecindario, el sospechoso se dio a la fuga. otro que recibiÓ tremenda golpiza, fue un presunto ladrÓn en perÚ, que lo acusaron de robarse varias cajas de agujas de coser en una tienda, lo atacaron con puÑos y patadas, fue castigado delante de uniformados que no movieron un dedo para pedirlo, lo arrestaron con la mujer que lo acompaÑaban que casi es quemada viva por los vecinos. >>> armado con un hacha un ladrÓn desarmo la fachada de una tienda en la florida, irrumpieron en el local se
Él contÓ como se ferro a un ala de la destrozada aeronave. pero a pesar de tener un salvavidas. los 9 a bordo, uno perdiÓ la vida. los 8 restantes fueron rescatados sanos y salvos. dos camiones de carga, impactados por un tren, esto ocurriÓ en mÉxico. un vehÍculo se quedÓ varado sobre rieles, arrastrado por la locomotora, no hubo lesionados. >>> con severas heridas en la cabeza y el rostro ensangrentado una mujer en perÚ. porque su esposo la golpeÓ con un barra de hierro, al...
Jan 3, 2014
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. >>> ala gente pobre no se podrÁ decarle. >>> tambiÉn de que se haya excluido a los indocumentado s.os, nospitales. >>> y mucho menos el pÚblico no sabe. >>> yo pienso que se necesita mas informagie. >>> es una leyextensa y muy complejra. por eso han salido libros para expara dricar esta leya. serÁ un fracaso o funcionara? solo el tiempo lo dirÁ. en los Ángeles, univisiÓn. >>> aumentan los sasos de influenza y los expertos tienen las recomendaciones. >>> los wariors, y lo sucedid en la capital del sol enseguida. ♪ @xñ el aumento en el nÚmero de muertos por la influenza tiene a miles de persona buscando vacunas, pero este aÑo esta afectando a los jÓvenes y adultos. si tiene sÍntomas de gripe, no vaya al trabajo y patese la boca cuando estornuda. una tormenta invernal descargaÁa mas de un pie de nieve el jueves. algunos escuelas cerraraoneo mientras en varias ciudades se praparan, en philadelphia un trabajador muriÓ cuando le cayo una montaÑa de sal que iba a ser usado para la nieve. los vuelos fueros cancelados. entonces solo en san francisco, se cancelaron 18 de salida. vamos a ver e
. >>> ala gente pobre no se podrÁ decarle. >>> tambiÉn de que se haya excluido a los indocumentado s.os, nospitales. >>> y mucho menos el pÚblico no sabe. >>> yo pienso que se necesita mas informagie. >>> es una leyextensa y muy complejra. por eso han salido libros para expara dricar esta leya. serÁ un fracaso o funcionara? solo el tiempo lo dirÁ. en los Ángeles, univisiÓn. >>> aumentan los sasos de influenza y los expertos tienen las...
Jan 16, 2014
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. >> nos vemos alas 11pm . >> buenas tardes . >> [♪ ♪] , . >> es miércoles 15 de enero . >> video grabadoenzamos . >> [♪ ♪] . >> [♪ ♪] .
. >> nos vemos alas 11pm . >> buenas tardes . >> [♪ ♪] , . >> es miércoles 15 de enero . >> video grabadoenzamos . >> [♪ ♪] . >> [♪ ♪] .
Jan 16, 2014
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. >> nos vemos alas 11pm . >> buenas tardes . >> [♪ ♪] , . >> es miércoles 15 de enero . >> video grabadoasco de bombero dice que la muerte de joven es diferente, . >> tendrán que pagar indemnizaciones . >> militares buscan terminar con la guerra en michoacán ,. >> que le paso a maría conchita alonso a un candidato? comenzamos . >> [♪ ♪] . >> [♪ ♪] . >> [♪ ♪] . >> este su noticiero univisión con jorge ramos y maría elena salinas . >> [♪ ♪] . >> ¿qué tal? buenas noches comenzamos con imágenes fuertes de muerte que pudo evitarse, recuerad el accidente aéreo de asiana airline de corea del sur que muere joven atropellada de 16 años por rescatistas, se dijo que bomberos no sabían que había sido expulsada pero video muestra lo contrario tenemos la información . >> imágenes de cámara en camión y casco de bombero ayuda a responder, como es posible que quienes sacuden el accidente de asiana airline mataran a uno atropellandola dos veces la víctima estaba herida, bomberos la dieron por muerte, . >> autoridades dicen que la joven fue atropellada por accidente porque estaba bajo la espuma pero el vid
. >> nos vemos alas 11pm . >> buenas tardes . >> [♪ ♪] , . >> es miércoles 15 de enero . >> video grabadoasco de bombero dice que la muerte de joven es diferente, . >> tendrán que pagar indemnizaciones . >> militares buscan terminar con la guerra en michoacán ,. >> que le paso a maría conchita alonso a un candidato? comenzamos . >> [♪ ♪] . >> [♪ ♪] . >> [♪ ♪] . >> este su noticiero univisión con jorge...
Jan 1, 2014
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estÁ t entre los estados que aprobaron medidas contra armas, a partir d de maÑana asrmas de asalto y ala que ser decl a declardeclar declarada >>lo de connecticut es positivo desde cualquier punto de vista con el que se vea, pero a nivel nacional no se consiguio nada a nivel federal, lo mÁs signi c significativo es que millones e recibiran cobertura medica a v nivel nacional, pero con trata controversia se podrÍa ver re a retrasado la cobertura. >>hemos visto un crecimiento o economÓmico, donde mÁs person r crean empleos >>y una medida de las mÁs con controversiales en colorado, Ñ maÑana toda persona mayor de 21 aÑos podrÁ comprar hasta una z onza de marihuana para uso re recreacional >>crimen en kacalifornia en fo n fontana esta conternada , cuatro miembros de una familÑilia hisp par aparecen muertos >>un barrio mayormente hispano, la imagen halladicÍa era aterradora >>dos cuerpos de niÑos, de doce y diez aÑos >>entre las manchas de sangre la evidencia apunta que es un caso de homicidio suicidio >>los cuerpos de los niÑos con herida de blala el cuerpo de l m mujer con herida de balas y
estÁ t entre los estados que aprobaron medidas contra armas, a partir d de maÑana asrmas de asalto y ala que ser decl a declardeclar declarada >>lo de connecticut es positivo desde cualquier punto de vista con el que se vea, pero a nivel nacional no se consiguio nada a nivel federal, lo mÁs signi c significativo es que millones e recibiran cobertura medica a v nivel nacional, pero con trata controversia se podrÍa ver re a retrasado la cobertura. >>hemos visto un crecimiento o...
Jan 12, 2014
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tenemos queu estar pendientes como vecindario >> para ver si nos protegemos ls unos a los otros >> alasades recuerdan a poner las luces de la calle encendida >> así también retirar objetos inflamable y reportar actividades sospehcosas >> continuamos contigo ramon >> vamos a continuar >> un hombre fue apuñalado >> al arribar la policía >> hallaron a la victima sufriendo de varias herdias >> ahora las autoridaes investigan las ciscunstancias en las que ocurrio el homicidio >> la oficina solicita la colaboraicon el publco para atapar a un hombnre que asalto a una sucursal de chasey las autoridades desaguaran unes tanque >> 50 patos han muerto >> por un brote de colera >> que no afecta a humanos >> s puee matar a otras especies >> el retrato hablado de un hombre que golpeo a una mujer en el reostro >> eso paso en el centro comercial >> se enfrentaron de manera repentina >> mire usted >> donde el crimen brillo por su ausencia es san paulo >> el 2013 no se registreo ningún homicidio >> las violaciones se redujeron en 57 >> los delitos de asalto cayeron en un 19% >> buenas noticias >> mire la
tenemos queu estar pendientes como vecindario >> para ver si nos protegemos ls unos a los otros >> alasades recuerdan a poner las luces de la calle encendida >> así también retirar objetos inflamable y reportar actividades sospehcosas >> continuamos contigo ramon >> vamos a continuar >> un hombre fue apuñalado >> al arribar la policía >> hallaron a la victima sufriendo de varias herdias >> ahora las autoridaes investigan las...
Jan 18, 2014
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. >> orlando duque tiene las alas que le ha dado el talento, la prÁctica y la disciplina, y con sÓloÑos 80 cuando otro deporte lo lanzÓ a las piscinas, y sin pensarlo,a su actual profesiÓn. >> los entrenadores nos dijeron, si les gusta, vuelva maÑana,les hacemos unas pruebas ahÍ, y desde ese día me quedÉ entrenando. >> entrenando, compitiendo, y ganando, pues no fue extraÑo a partir de ese momento verlo colgarse medallas, desde entonces, riscos, acantilados, grÚas, y hasta globos aerostÁticos que han servido a duque de plataformas, de hecho tuvo un salto desde la estatua de la libertad, lo equivalente a lanzarse de un edificio de 37 pisos, duque dice que Él es consciente del gran peligro de su profesiÓn. >> entendiendo el riesgo tan grande, y el peligro de un mal golpe contra el agua, yo sÉ que estoy arriesgando mi vida. >> interesante todo lo que tiene que decir orlando duque, mÁs sobre la carrera de orlando, ese domingo en "aquÍ y ahora". >> increÍble, bueno, el incremento de la violencia en venezuela, y la mala situaciÓn econÓmica del paÍs, mantiene al gobierno ocupado, pero no en
. >> orlando duque tiene las alas que le ha dado el talento, la prÁctica y la disciplina, y con sÓloÑos 80 cuando otro deporte lo lanzÓ a las piscinas, y sin pensarlo,a su actual profesiÓn. >> los entrenadores nos dijeron, si les gusta, vuelva maÑana,les hacemos unas pruebas ahÍ, y desde ese día me quedÉ entrenando. >> entrenando, compitiendo, y ganando, pues no fue extraÑo a partir de ese momento verlo colgarse medallas, desde entonces, riscos, acantilados, grÚas,...
Jan 16, 2014
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. >> piense bien y poner riesgo de tipo de celular que acceso quitar alas 9pm porque después no duermney evitar problemas en lo que anden . >> es decisión personal, padres tienen miedo que hacen algo así como revisar el joven se ponga más rebelde . >> pienso que padre debe ponerse los pantalones y si sospecha algo tomar medidas . >> en el caso de la muerte admiten tener posesión o control de fotos de la víctima . >> los jóvenes tienen demanda por la familia que los acusa de tener responsabilidad del suicidio . >> continuamos con más . >> en estos momentos audiencia para saber si hacen charter en distrito escolar de morgan hills reúnen mil firmas para la creación de estas escuelas que cierran la brecha de los estudiantes . >> escuelas son buenas opcipnes que si tenemos mejores escuelas mejoran , vamos a tener más doctores más abogados . >> presentan índices más altos en california en últimos 5 años . >>aal reregreso . >> republicanos con puntos de su plan para posible reforma de migratoria . >> además imágenes de golpiza de indocumentado por patrulla frontereiza . >> tener relaciones sex
. >> piense bien y poner riesgo de tipo de celular que acceso quitar alas 9pm porque después no duermney evitar problemas en lo que anden . >> es decisión personal, padres tienen miedo que hacen algo así como revisar el joven se ponga más rebelde . >> pienso que padre debe ponerse los pantalones y si sospecha algo tomar medidas . >> en el caso de la muerte admiten tener posesión o control de fotos de la víctima . >> los jóvenes tienen demanda por la familia...
Jan 18, 2014
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. >> orlando duque tiene alas y disciplina con un traje de baño desafía lo más insolito para lanzarses hacemos pruebas, y todo perfecto al agua de ahí entrene . >> compitiendo y ganando . >> no es extraño verlo con medallas. >> de ahí riscos, acantilados y globos le sirven de plataformas . >> también un salto de la estatua de la libertad de 93 metros de altura como de edificio de 37 metros . >> duque dice que él es conciente del gran peligro de su profesión . >> entendiendo el peligro de un mal golpe contra el agua . >> [♪ ♪] . >> más de duque en aquí y ahora . >> [♪ ♪] . >> ♪ espera, ven conmigo . >> tu bebÉ por el momento estÁ a salvo, pero hay que actuar rÁpidamente. >> por favor, explÍquese, no le dÉ tantas vueltas. >> me da muchÍsima pena, pero la seÑora tiene el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana, en pocas palabras, el vih. >> y acuÉrdate lo que dijo la doctora, eso tiene remedio. >> no, no, no, es que no hay remedio para el sida. >> no, no es sida, es vih, hay que ir al centro de salud
. >> orlando duque tiene alas y disciplina con un traje de baño desafía lo más insolito para lanzarses hacemos pruebas, y todo perfecto al agua de ahí entrene . >> compitiendo y ganando . >> no es extraño verlo con medallas. >> de ahí riscos, acantilados y globos le sirven de plataformas . >> también un salto de la estatua de la libertad de 93 metros de altura como de edificio de 37 metros . >> duque dice que él es conciente del gran peligro de su...
Jan 19, 2014
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. >>> en el senado serÍa aprobado, pero no en la caÁmara abbaja , e embargo alas personas que pecibnene que volver a mÉxico, puede tonentonces solicitar una vis b laboral, la proÓxima pregunta sese serÍa si las personas estahan listas para el prÓximo paso , r ,serÁ una ruta, pero ese camino ya existe, la uÚnica razÓn por a cual no se puede entrar en ella porque hay una ley que lo dice, yo creo que solamente se debe permitir estar en ambas filas al a vez, para mÍ la clave es el r trabajo, yo me crie en texas y nunca conoci un inmigrante que n no estaba trabajanod ,asÍ que x creo que si quiere venir a tr trabajr tenemos un sitio para usted . >>> momento de otra pausa, al regresar la controverisia que h destapado la legalizacio nde marihuana recreacional en col a colorado, un debate en enfoque . >> ¿le falta algo a la nutrición de tu niño pequeño? quizás es el dha& un importannutriente que puede ayudar a nutrir el cerebro. pero un niño pequeño solo recibe cerca del 25% del dha que los expertos recomiendan. enfagrow next step tiene dha para ayudar a llenar esa brecha. como el cerebro se
. >>> en el senado serÍa aprobado, pero no en la caÁmara abbaja , e embargo alas personas que pecibnene que volver a mÉxico, puede tonentonces solicitar una vis b laboral, la proÓxima pregunta sese serÍa si las personas estahan listas para el prÓximo paso , r ,serÁ una ruta, pero ese camino ya existe, la uÚnica razÓn por a cual no se puede entrar en ella porque hay una ley que lo dice, yo creo que solamente se debe permitir estar en ambas filas al a vez, para mÍ la clave es...
Jan 21, 2014
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polemica tras apoyar a un candidato republicano take vo conocido por pertenecer al tea party, una de las alasolitico y que en su mayoria se oponen a los inmigrantes indocumentad os... --- alonso intent explicar por qu ella apoya a este candidato... escuchemos... stop sot cesar --- tras estas declaraciones cesar --- tras estas declaraciones , maria conchita alonso decidio renunciar a su participacion en una obra de teatro que se iba a presentar aqui en el area de la bahia... ---pero para darnos mas detalles sobre esta reaccion de la artista venezolana... two shot ... esta con nosotros en vivo, la productora de esta obra teatral, eliana lopez... --- como esta eliana... tim donelly ......... take sot --- javier castro take sot --- javier castro cesar hora del reporte del tiempo con nestor flecha... take pkg juanfra live amigos en minutos juanfra live amigos en minutos regresamos con partidos de la jornada 3 en el clausura 2014 donde se agudiza la crisis en pumas; y por supuesto los dos partidos en la 'nfl' por un boleto al super tazon... agudiza la crisis en pumas; y por supuesto los dos partido
polemica tras apoyar a un candidato republicano take vo conocido por pertenecer al tea party, una de las alasolitico y que en su mayoria se oponen a los inmigrantes indocumentad os... --- alonso intent explicar por qu ella apoya a este candidato... escuchemos... stop sot cesar --- tras estas declaraciones cesar --- tras estas declaraciones , maria conchita alonso decidio renunciar a su participacion en una obra de teatro que se iba a presentar aqui en el area de la bahia... ---pero para darnos...
Jan 14, 2014
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. >> there is a run on the flu vaccine in south shore ala media. you can see signs telling people today the shots are unavailable. and there is shortage of the vaccine. >> if you have a shot and don't know where to go there is a easy to use map on the web site. just type in a city, or skip, will give you where and times available. we've posted a link on our web site. just go to abc news.com. >> in san jess yeah, neighbors are banding together to stop a arsonist terrorizing people setting owe p 13 fires in six days this is a sketch of the suspect fires set in neighbors very close to one another. cornell? >> no exaggeration. many are living in fear 24-7. ate investigators want to get this man off the streets the latest target is this church. tonight the pastor wants tho know why. >> this, we can't use this. >> this is all that is left inside of a classroom at some john's baptist church the pastor wants to know why. >> i ask myself that a thousand times what makes someone go around and fire? >> investigators looking for this man. copies of the sketch
. >> there is a run on the flu vaccine in south shore ala media. you can see signs telling people today the shots are unavailable. and there is shortage of the vaccine. >> if you have a shot and don't know where to go there is a easy to use map on the web site. just type in a city, or skip, will give you where and times available. we've posted a link on our web site. just go to abc news.com. >> in san jess yeah, neighbors are banding together to stop a arsonist terrorizing...
Jan 22, 2014
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las declaraciones del pdteresidente venezuela, nicolÁs maduro que califica a ls treleas telenovel alasespons e responsables de la ola de vio violencia del paÍs. >>> pasan transmitiendo culto a al la doctor,droga, a las armas y i violencia. >>> una afirmaciÓn ligera e ir s irresponsable. >>> no me imaginao accidente ds ansiosos para aprender lade la v novela dallase las 9. >>> tambiÉn padron dijo que hy u una ley que regula el contenido de los medios dcomne comunicacÓ. >>> sinceramente hay una nec necesidad de escamotrear la r realidad, nicolÁs maduro le d l declara la guerra a slas tree v telenovelas y no al hampa. >>> en un paÍs donde las cifras de violencia no sereducen, sino que enek el 2013, 37 mil ciudadanos murieron por culpa de la violencia, el gobierno da l culpas a las telenovelas >>> por supuesto que vamos a t n tener jÓvenes resentidos, que de alguna manera van a qruerer ve a vengarse anunciocon alguien, po peueden ser empaticosÁticos, po estado no fue empatÁtico carro e ellos. >>> muchos jnÓvenes toman las n conductas de lo que ven en la televisiÓn. >>> mhuchos vnenezolanos
las declaraciones del pdteresidente venezuela, nicolÁs maduro que califica a ls treleas telenovel alasespons e responsables de la ola de vio violencia del paÍs. >>> pasan transmitiendo culto a al la doctor,droga, a las armas y i violencia. >>> una afirmaciÓn ligera e ir s irresponsable. >>> no me imaginao accidente ds ansiosos para aprender lade la v novela dallase las 9. >>> tambiÉn padron dijo que hy u una ley que regula el contenido de los medios...
Jan 10, 2014
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it's also maybe a template for the future of ala carte tv channels. superstar and knows what he's talking about. i'm not going to so much concentrate on wwe. i think this is a game changer in the delivery of the tv channel to your home via the internet. go. >> yes, i agree completely and for full disclosure, i do own wwe stock. and they pioneered closed circuit television and cable television. this is a big a came changer and this does lead to ala carte programming. you look at the yes network for the new york yankees. imagine going straight over the top as they call it in industry parlance to the consumer via on-line. you control everything, you control the entire interactive experience. wwe made the cable network the number one. and i agree, this is a foreshadowing, what's going to happen in the future for direct consumer content. stuart: i was almost distracted by sight of you beating the hell out of someone in the ring there. let me get this right. i can choose which channels i want to bring in via the internet and if i want wrestling plus other o
it's also maybe a template for the future of ala carte tv channels. superstar and knows what he's talking about. i'm not going to so much concentrate on wwe. i think this is a game changer in the delivery of the tv channel to your home via the internet. go. >> yes, i agree completely and for full disclosure, i do own wwe stock. and they pioneered closed circuit television and cable television. this is a big a came changer and this does lead to ala carte programming. you look at the yes...
Jan 23, 2014
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ala and abas taken to be with their brother. they're all gone, abu ali tells me., two bombings, a family destroyed. no one will call me dad anymore, he sobs. they were also our breadwinners. they supported us. now i have no income. i haven't paid the rent for seven months. this is all this family has, it is three rooms, one large bedroom, a living room and a kitchen. given the tragedy that this story is, the real sad part is it's not unusual. this is happening every day around iraq and families are left in this sort of position. it really is heartbreaking. it's hard says abu ali. i've thought of suicide, but what would happen to my grandchildren? the market where the family's watermelon is still there today, a portrait of the three sons a reminder for all of what happened here in 2007, last year and could happen again at any time. you know, suzanne, you meet a family like that and you contemplate their loss and then their future, and you wonder how they'll go on. but they do. and they will. and you know abu ali, by the way as we said in the story there, 58 years o
ala and abas taken to be with their brother. they're all gone, abu ali tells me., two bombings, a family destroyed. no one will call me dad anymore, he sobs. they were also our breadwinners. they supported us. now i have no income. i haven't paid the rent for seven months. this is all this family has, it is three rooms, one large bedroom, a living room and a kitchen. given the tragedy that this story is, the real sad part is it's not unusual. this is happening every day around iraq and families...
Jan 9, 2014
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so it was a fiver ala alarm fir plus. >> you said you want to be more articulate, but i think when peopleunderstand you're just across the street from an explosion, everyone understands. >> for more on the fire go online, you can see pictures of the flames have different advantage damage points and peggy's reaction to the explosion. >> how embarrassing, right? >>> now to breaking news, police at a high school following a drive by shooting. this happened an hour ago at a bus stop near bay area technical high school. officers say they're not sure if the boy was a student there and he ran on campus after being shot. we're told he suffered nonlife threatening injuries. >> a smoke detector saved a couple's lives least night. the fire broke out not far from san jose state. they were able to escape safely, but they watched from the sidewalk at the home they had been renovating for more than 20 years burned to the ground. the homeowner tells us he was thankful for the working smoke detectors that saved their lives. >> my wife heard it go off and the front room was all on fire. and that's it. it s
so it was a fiver ala alarm fir plus. >> you said you want to be more articulate, but i think when peopleunderstand you're just across the street from an explosion, everyone understands. >> for more on the fire go online, you can see pictures of the flames have different advantage damage points and peggy's reaction to the explosion. >> how embarrassing, right? >>> now to breaking news, police at a high school following a drive by shooting. this happened an hour ago at...
Jan 22, 2014
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protegidas por la operacion escudo implementada por el gobierno federal y es que por su cercania a alaa temen que en el llamado efecto cucaracha se conviertan en destino de los delincuentes.. super=eruviel avila / gobernador edomex :32-35 inq=.estamos trabajando con firmeza y rapidez. especificamente en jalisco, las autoridades han endurecido sus leyes .y mas aun por el reciente caso de las fosas clandestinas en las que encontraron mas de 70 cadaveres en los limites con michoacan . super=aristoteles sandoval / gobernador jalisco :50-55 inq=.quien atraviese y porte armas será detenido.. y en medio de la psicosis a 10 dias de la intervencion del ejercito en tierra caliente , surgen los atentados a una cadena de tiendas de autoservicio en hidalgo y el estado de mexico. las camaras de seguridad mostraron el momento en que un grupo de encapuchados y armados , roban, rocian con gasolina la mercancia y le prenden fuego..por lo menos 5 tiendas sufrieron la misma suerte.. super=guillermina soto / testigo 1:15-1:20 inq=..pues dicen que los asaltaron.. stand= jazive perez/ciudad de mexico 1:21-1:
protegidas por la operacion escudo implementada por el gobierno federal y es que por su cercania a alaa temen que en el llamado efecto cucaracha se conviertan en destino de los delincuentes.. super=eruviel avila / gobernador edomex :32-35 inq=.estamos trabajando con firmeza y rapidez. especificamente en jalisco, las autoridades han endurecido sus leyes .y mas aun por el reciente caso de las fosas clandestinas en las que encontraron mas de 70 cadaveres en los limites con michoacan ....
Jan 4, 2014
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our ala nick schifrin reports. what exactly is on the table this time around? >> reporter: yes, kerry said that they're making a little progress, and they insist this is baby, baby, baby steps that they're trying to do. they're trying to get to the framework for the guideline of the talks. a framework basically not trying to solve anything right now. all he's trying to do is to get both sides to agree on what they're going to talk about. one of the sticking points right now is that the israelis are demanding that the palestinians recognize them as a jewish state. that is not something that the israelis have demanded of egypt and jordan in previous peace treaties, but they say in order for us to know that you're going to be a peaceful partner you need to acknowledge you us as a jewish state. the palestinians say we're acknowledging your right, but we have a hard time accepting your narrative. the issue with the narrative something that kerry addressed just few minutes ago. >> this is hard work. there are narrative issues, difficult, complicated, years of mistrus
our ala nick schifrin reports. what exactly is on the table this time around? >> reporter: yes, kerry said that they're making a little progress, and they insist this is baby, baby, baby steps that they're trying to do. they're trying to get to the framework for the guideline of the talks. a framework basically not trying to solve anything right now. all he's trying to do is to get both sides to agree on what they're going to talk about. one of the sticking points right now is that the...
Jan 26, 2014
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but alas, the first and most important thing is every kid getting a good education.me parts of the world, they understand that. in some parts of the world, they don't. sadly in america, we don't seem to. we keep falling in these rankings. we are lucky to be in the top 30. that does not go well for our future. we have to pull together, get away from the partisan stuff and start devoting the resources we need cap a future. >> il, you are passionate as well about training our young people. particularly in computer science. >> i think education is top. mike and i think it is incredibly important. we have been willing to create some controversy saying, let's help the future be better. let's try out new approaches. the status quo is unsatisfactory. technology is going to help, particularly for that motivated learner, and how do you create the motivation broadly? that is mostly a human problem and helping the teacher do it as best as possible. >> tell me what you think about the state of the technology industry now and how the new crop of leaders, how you see them. >> the r
but alas, the first and most important thing is every kid getting a good education.me parts of the world, they understand that. in some parts of the world, they don't. sadly in america, we don't seem to. we keep falling in these rankings. we are lucky to be in the top 30. that does not go well for our future. we have to pull together, get away from the partisan stuff and start devoting the resources we need cap a future. >> il, you are passionate as well about training our young people....
SFGTV: San Francisco Government Television
Jan 17, 2014
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. >> i'm nick ala, the commander assigned to mta and responsible for in part -- in large part of the traffic safety strategy that is implemented in our city. what i want to do today is give you an over view of is it statistics as traffic fatalities in 2013 and policies and procedures in our efforts to make improvements in this year 2014. i'll advance to slide one. in december of 2012 we implemented the focus on the five strategy. that strategy in large part was based upon an analysis of all traffic collisions done or traffic collisions that occurred between 2006 and 2011. that analysis provided us an identification of the top five collision factors in all of those collisions. they were drivers operating their vehicles at unsafe speeds given the conditions of the roadway. red light signal violations. a drivers failure it yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk. those being both unmarked and marked crosswalks. the drivers fail to yield while making a left or you turn. failure to stop at stop for unlimited lines. i'll advance the slide once more. >> as we look at the analysis of our traffi
. >> i'm nick ala, the commander assigned to mta and responsible for in part -- in large part of the traffic safety strategy that is implemented in our city. what i want to do today is give you an over view of is it statistics as traffic fatalities in 2013 and policies and procedures in our efforts to make improvements in this year 2014. i'll advance to slide one. in december of 2012 we implemented the focus on the five strategy. that strategy in large part was based upon an analysis of...
Jan 19, 2014
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but alas. things could be much better for the role and hungary according to the floor bath who says that millions of euros from the european union were invested in the roma strategy projects. money that was badly missed it he snaps i should go with him over the last twenty five he is all the political parties have one thing in common that prejudices against the red the community. the majority of the will to change the situation of the retina ninety percent of the seven hundred thousand raman live in abject see the dentist you profit from the integration schemes to save called mobile groomer he now supports the deaths the slovak done in charity isn't a member of the dash he says it's his objective to show the hungarian people at the roma are capable of making an honest living tilling the land the appearance of the village in east has improved i clean house that twelve year old crow my del symbolic area about ten dreams for this he said rostrum in france but that proud of and we get the fiance's
but alas. things could be much better for the role and hungary according to the floor bath who says that millions of euros from the european union were invested in the roma strategy projects. money that was badly missed it he snaps i should go with him over the last twenty five he is all the political parties have one thing in common that prejudices against the red the community. the majority of the will to change the situation of the retina ninety percent of the seven hundred thousand raman...
Jan 12, 2014
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alas as it takes practice doctor and business. upcoming year. on the second about opening a business yet i didn't mean it was this was after last weekend. small was the deep subjects in one tree that needed to set their sights a bit you don't have a choice no doubt be doing a simple house. lundy i see his dreams come true. it's also bailed on restaurants is a popular spot with people from poland african beats. i am you can go to school. the nor did it yesterday. the devil to get into a new design. tsk tsk tsk. long name other the air. i chopped a change the week sixteen. o'neill but that time. i'm not fine. and all. after that. i'm not caught the ball up. one watch out. you will you what will the eye. the and the film might be. i can think of disobedience dynamic economy. his deal and discount some of the desert ck
alas as it takes practice doctor and business. upcoming year. on the second about opening a business yet i didn't mean it was this was after last weekend. small was the deep subjects in one tree that needed to set their sights a bit you don't have a choice no doubt be doing a simple house. lundy i see his dreams come true. it's also bailed on restaurants is a popular spot with people from poland african beats. i am you can go to school. the nor did it yesterday. the devil to get into a new...
Jan 7, 2014
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alas moved across canada and its descending into the northern portions of the united states and take a look at your eyes here on tuesday. it is actually frigid minus twenty so nice to be the easier lows minus twenty seven when attacked a convoy minus twenty six year highs. not much more than that though trouble getting to step down from his twenty five. even in the land to stay in well below the freezing mark the under tuesday that your outside in temperatures like this for an extended period of time not even extended their tongues is a short amount of time off frostbite it said in rather quickly if you have exposed skin so he deftly want to. i just stay indoors if at all possible not that good news is that we take a look of a three day forecast these areas still your lo's out here member it's going to be warming up in the least by thursday actually could be getting back above average effective whoever thinks a young girl in afghanistan is in police custody she said she was on the verge of tearing down the suicide attack. tall pines and earl in bangkok has fallen the story for us. i
alas moved across canada and its descending into the northern portions of the united states and take a look at your eyes here on tuesday. it is actually frigid minus twenty so nice to be the easier lows minus twenty seven when attacked a convoy minus twenty six year highs. not much more than that though trouble getting to step down from his twenty five. even in the land to stay in well below the freezing mark the under tuesday that your outside in temperatures like this for an extended period...
Jan 10, 2014
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un hombre le conta la cabeza a un inocente alegando que la madre le viendÓ el ala al diablo. flores flancas le dicen adiÓs a la actriz monica spears. le mostramos un ritual que promete eliminar la energÍa negativa de nuestro cuerpo con el poder de la sonrisa. esto y mÁs ahora mismo en "primer impacto." >>> hola quÉ tal. bienvenidos a "primer impacto." les saluda pamela silva conde. >>> tambiÉn bÁrbara bermudo. gracias por estar con nosotros. comenzamos con las imÁgenes de un oficial que intento salvar la vida de un bebÉ. desde mÉxico tenemos el conmovedor mensaje. >>> este es el momento en el que el bobe que se ve acostado en la parte de atrÁs deja de respirar, la familia pidiÓ una ambulancia que tarda mucho. a solo instantes de morir terminÓ en la manos de esta mujer policÍa, el bebÉ no reaccionÓ, desesperada la mujer hace un Último esfuerzo por salvar al bebÉ y le da respiraciÓn boca a boca, al borde de la muerte unos segundos despuÉs el niÑo comienza a respirar y la mujer lo toma en sus brazos, y se tambalea, parece desfallecer y le salva la vida. al lograr su cometido ent
un hombre le conta la cabeza a un inocente alegando que la madre le viendÓ el ala al diablo. flores flancas le dicen adiÓs a la actriz monica spears. le mostramos un ritual que promete eliminar la energÍa negativa de nuestro cuerpo con el poder de la sonrisa. esto y mÁs ahora mismo en "primer impacto." >>> hola quÉ tal. bienvenidos a "primer impacto." les saluda pamela silva conde. >>> tambiÉn bÁrbara bermudo. gracias por estar con nosotros....
eye 45
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don't travel around or while they on all day interested in foreign news and therefore couldn't care alas or is it because of the way some of the american institutions are sat up and i think it's. the case that. you know during the cold war there was as there was a true sense of peril from foreign relations somebody in moscow could turn a key and seventeen and a half minutes later perhaps eighty million americans would be dead and so there was a sense that foreign policy was something that one had to exercise extreme caution about. since the end of the cold war the united states has not faced any kind of existential threat from anyone certainly not from russia or the other remnants of the so. i thought after anon eleven i thought that this would lead to an upsurge in american public interest in for a news but it did and it was interesting to read explanations of why. these basically centered around lack of familiarity with foreign conditions such that the readers of newspapers said well i don't have enough background to really understand foreign news so i don't bother to read it because i
don't travel around or while they on all day interested in foreign news and therefore couldn't care alas or is it because of the way some of the american institutions are sat up and i think it's. the case that. you know during the cold war there was as there was a true sense of peril from foreign relations somebody in moscow could turn a key and seventeen and a half minutes later perhaps eighty million americans would be dead and so there was a sense that foreign policy was something that one...
Jan 18, 2014
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understandable intention of this issue's received i've made clear to the intelligence committee that alas there is a compelling national security purpose. we will not monitor the communications of heads of state and government of our close friends and allies i instructed my national security team has walls themselves the need to work with foreign counterparts to deepen our formation and cooperation in ways the rebuild trust. going forward. this speech was clearly designed to rebuild that trust with allies the obama administration will hope the spying scandal is now in the past. our lives full in our first monday in washington. max hoffman max at how was this announcement going down there in the united states to americans believe now that washington is capable of reading itself in when it comes to spotting. they're really depends who you ask is always of course you have those on the one hand and said that this piece he fell far short of what they had hoped for. specially us civil liberty groups amnesty international for example release a statement also a lot of politicians the famous senat
understandable intention of this issue's received i've made clear to the intelligence committee that alas there is a compelling national security purpose. we will not monitor the communications of heads of state and government of our close friends and allies i instructed my national security team has walls themselves the need to work with foreign counterparts to deepen our formation and cooperation in ways the rebuild trust. going forward. this speech was clearly designed to rebuild that trust...
Jan 6, 2014
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on a speech made on iraqi television or ala maliki told the people efficient to act said the area's would not be subjected to the dangers of arms caches. iran has offered its help to rock him back a gala night that feist is who i have been in charge of two western anbar province species since last week and say this is your thing you just kinda heavy artillery bombardment as government forces sought to re gain control. many residents have been fleeing to nearby cities and it is nonsense guy before a chase scene of chaos in iran as companies keen to see the grounds. why don't the rays the weapons checked by security forces. the body of the newly generated kerala to get three. but i'll be on display these residents have fled their hands in and aunt amy and strikes by the iraqi army. but trying to dislodge on trade in attendance and the rest of the province. off that night so tonight as having been in the new spring in the area around the room now they control for you jen the knee to his paws on the edge of the sun's heat and non residents ninety the current twenty nine minutes. he loved the
on a speech made on iraqi television or ala maliki told the people efficient to act said the area's would not be subjected to the dangers of arms caches. iran has offered its help to rock him back a gala night that feist is who i have been in charge of two western anbar province species since last week and say this is your thing you just kinda heavy artillery bombardment as government forces sought to re gain control. many residents have been fleeing to nearby cities and it is nonsense guy...
Jan 19, 2014
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until it's nothing short of a genuine certified pre-owned mercedes-ben for the next new owner. [ car alas ] hurry in to your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for 99% financing during our certified pre-owned sales event through february 28th. of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injecble prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adultth type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, m
until it's nothing short of a genuine certified pre-owned mercedes-ben for the next new owner. [ car alas ] hurry in to your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for 99% financing during our certified pre-owned sales event through february 28th. of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills. victoza® is proven to lower blood...
Jan 12, 2014
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alas this is the first time that i am that time it did back then and she gave so much for me. he made me the game is set on my hands said to lack of incentive bring them back receipts from a paris hilton was are you to listen probably right into the guilty were among the many stars celebrating with us and its enduring design. the wrap dress. it's very nice it's flattering. i f i s i have one good thing about my body. the only thing is that that that wastes that small so it's perfect the stresses are in small ways. the children through the new jewel in the greek born mother lisa pointed out traits conference and that was praised by feather design is visiting the exhibition everything what isn't and about taxis that that's not their grandmother. who am i a s most glamorous mum and aunts and sisters in protestant brilliant business from its incredible design and we need to go on for another hour about all the contents in attendance with his wife was comedian said money it's heap praise on the seabed for the exploits be on the catwalk. she's a she so much more than just fashion he
alas this is the first time that i am that time it did back then and she gave so much for me. he made me the game is set on my hands said to lack of incentive bring them back receipts from a paris hilton was are you to listen probably right into the guilty were among the many stars celebrating with us and its enduring design. the wrap dress. it's very nice it's flattering. i f i s i have one good thing about my body. the only thing is that that that wastes that small so it's perfect the...
Jan 17, 2014
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alas the deal is reached. police said in a speech in washington that congress must act to avoid the possibility of a u s debt defaults. it is not i think something that anyone should want to repeat that kind of hit series that brings mention it causes real uncertainty and anxiety in the calm in the market purchase offense than normal you know consumers. treasury department officials plan to use extraordinary measures to keep paying government bills but the money is expected to run out and around late february or early march democrats and republicans have yet to begin talks on the debts limits while congress has moved on up the on off onto another fiscal issue. the house of representatives on wednesday passed a spending bill for this fiscal year. when approved by the senate he would avoid a repeat of the partial government shutdown. the us stock market showed lackluster trading thursday after a batch of disappointing us corporate earnings. the dow jones industrial average was down by nearly four tenths of a per
alas the deal is reached. police said in a speech in washington that congress must act to avoid the possibility of a u s debt defaults. it is not i think something that anyone should want to repeat that kind of hit series that brings mention it causes real uncertainty and anxiety in the calm in the market purchase offense than normal you know consumers. treasury department officials plan to use extraordinary measures to keep paying government bills but the money is expected to run out and...
eye 157
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alas, the value of reading some news first. thank you for watching abc news.news now" is coming up with overnight breaking news. tune into "good morning america" tomorrow. good night. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in my life ♪ ♪ and now i have a brownie ending all of my strife ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm on the hunt, i'm after you ♪ ♪ smell like i sound, i'm lost in a crowd ♪ ♪ and i'm hungry like the wolf ♪ straddle the line, in discord and rhyme ♪ [ female announcer ] only yoplait light and yoplait greek 100 are endorsed by weight watchers. it is so good when you're on the hunt for something delicious. find yoplait original and light yogurt cups on sale now at your local safeway store. strain of the flu is spreading tonight throughout the bay area. seven deaths so far, and local hospitals are taking t
alas, the value of reading some news first. thank you for watching abc news.news now" is coming up with overnight breaking news. tune into "good morning america" tomorrow. good night. ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around, barbara ♪ forever i've been praying for a snack in...
Jan 2, 2014
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. >> si escogimos un sombrero de ala ancha solo puede ser utilizado por los miembros de la familia o la ceja derecha es la forma correcta de utilizar. >> para elegirlos hay que tener en cuenta dos cosas que el modelo te ver a los invitados. >> en escocia silvia "primer impacto" me encantaron varios y ojalÁ que pronto veamos a kate middleton con el diseÑo de esta hispana que triunfa desde aquÍ la felicitamos y les deseamos un feliz aÑo nuevo. >> cuando comienza un aÑo muchos se proponen metas a veces imposible de lo cobrar y fracasan en el intento, le diremos como ser mÁs realista. >> tambiÉn mostramos un ritual que podrÍa ser ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ nos pasa todos los aÑos por esta Época comenzamos hacernos promesas para cambiar las cosas que no nos gustan, pero alguna vezs estÁs resoluciones no se cumplen, vamos con ella para ver cuales es la clave para alcanzar a las metas. >> adelante. >> una razÓn por lo que nos damos por vencidos a partir de febrero es que nos hacemos propÓsitos que no san realistas asÍ que tomen lÁpiz y papel porque les voy a dar las claves para hacer realidad los logros. >> p
. >> si escogimos un sombrero de ala ancha solo puede ser utilizado por los miembros de la familia o la ceja derecha es la forma correcta de utilizar. >> para elegirlos hay que tener en cuenta dos cosas que el modelo te ver a los invitados. >> en escocia silvia "primer impacto" me encantaron varios y ojalÁ que pronto veamos a kate middleton con el diseÑo de esta hispana que triunfa desde aquÍ la felicitamos y les deseamos un feliz aÑo nuevo. >> cuando...
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blip on the demographic radar or a sign the suburban life is on its way to the dustbin of history alas legality assistant managing editor of fortune magazine and author of a new book on this topic in tonight's conversations with a group. you need to know this republicans are going green like you know weeds. publicans across the country seem to be changing their views on marijuana legalization on tuesday new jersey chris governor chris. he said it's time to end the failed drug war in america on wednesday louisiana governor bobby jindal one of the most conservative governors in the country said he would consider legalizing medical marijuana and just yesterday while attending the world economic forum in davos switzerland texas governor rick perry told reporters oh if governor are begun to implement polls that is the start moves toward a decriminalization so why are republicans across the country starting to see the light or change their views on pot it might have something to do with that guy rand paul last night of the big picture i talked about how rand paul is now being considered a fr
blip on the demographic radar or a sign the suburban life is on its way to the dustbin of history alas legality assistant managing editor of fortune magazine and author of a new book on this topic in tonight's conversations with a group. you need to know this republicans are going green like you know weeds. publicans across the country seem to be changing their views on marijuana legalization on tuesday new jersey chris governor chris. he said it's time to end the failed drug war in america on...