b. c. barclays lloyds and r.b.s. and the bank of england under mark carney and george osborne these are the biggest beggars of all they go with their begging bowl into the into the indexes every single day and they beg for more money and we you know the thing is do you want to feed there's a big sign of the park don't feed the ducks why because the duck crap is uncontrollable you they can't hire enough people to take care of the duck crap if you feed the ducks too much same thing to george osborne you're just feeding him the ability to manipulate these markets and oz born crap is littering the country and they're showering the country in this kind of irresponsible fiscal policy or faecal policy in this case and the result is advancing poverty and the underwriting of a class of kleptocrats and beggars in this country that have total disregard for human life they don't have any regard for human life that's not the kind of people you want to feed. well this gold raking over twenty years is daily pickpocketing you can't