and just to pupping chait that, let me just say in the last three months alone there have been two mainstream movies released at the core of their foundation was an internet policy issue whether it be the fifth estate or just recently at sundance the internet's own boy was released to rave reviews. so it's certainly mainstream in media and movies today. jerry demanded that, you know, this conference be, not take any positions op issues, but just kind of have all stakeholders come together and debate them collegially and passionately, so that's what this conference is about, that's what this organization is about, the internet education foundation. you will see throughout the day folks, board members of mine from my volunteer board of directors come up and introduce different speakers, they kind of keep me honest with regard to not taking positions, and that's why this is a great newt central platform -- neutral platform. let me do a little bit of social media housekeeping, whether you're using google plus, facebook, twitter, instagram or snapchat, the hash tag is pond 14. they couldn't have p