. -- housinglacent wiseman's are at their lowest are at theirements lowest level since 1994. his own minister says the policy might make a contribution. we should be able to have a use it or lose it caused. developers should be under no illusion that they can sit on their land and wait for prices to go up. in the policy nuts or is it the right thing to do? >> it is the policies of this government that are seeing house noting increase. -- housebuilding increase. housing starts in the last quarter were at their highest level for five years. when heer than 2009, was sitting in the cabinet. a 16% increase over the last 12 months compared to the year before. here is the question he needs to answer. his shadow ministers go around opposing our planning reform even though they are important to get britain building. time and again, they are criticizing proposals that are helping our french -- our fellow countrymen and women realize ownership. why not make those labor councils get on with selling houses to hard-working people? >> and labor councils, there would be far more houses than