their home the inle lake is , under threat. now that burma is opening up, the u.n. everal ngo's are trying to help the "sons of the lake" as they are called. the intha are learning ways to make life on the lake more sustainable -- and the development experts that have come learn that the inle is more than just another ecosystem in need of saving. >> fishermen on myanmar's inle lake performing their amazing balancing act. to free their hands for the net, they paddle with one leg, leaving the other planted on the narrow boat. the technique is seen nowhere else in the world, nor is their unique method of fishing. both have been passed down through the ages, but in recent years there has been one dramatic change -- fewer fish. u thun win says water pollution in the lake is to blame, as is the growing number of fishermen. an entire way of life for people around the lake is under threat. but for a long time, no one took any action. until now. u thet win htun and his colleagues are part of a united nations' initiative. they're coordinating a program to save the lake and its