david: lance roberts, how many times have we said this market reached its peak. time for the pullback. it ain't going further. lo, what happens, it goes up again. how many times has that happened? >> it has happen ad lot last year. that is kind of one of the things i was talking about this year, 2014, is last year we didn't really have a correction of any magnitude at all which is highly unusual. so it is very likely sometime this year, by the way we're in a midterm election year which normally sees 10 to 15% corrections in the second and third quarter, we could very well see something like that this year, completely normal. to put more money to work at a better valuation level. david: talk about money, do you suggest everybody sell everything right now and go in cash? >> no, no. i would never recommend that at all. as we talked about before here, david, you and i in particular, we talked about pruning the garden, being a little bit prudent. taking profit out of the winners and trimming off losers and laggards. that is always a good risk management. that gives yo