the stereotypical american, you go to the implicit association that was invented by mike colley, anthony greenwald dictates that implicit racism, sexism,. he shows that there are black people that don't like white people. there are white people that don't like white people, right? there are safe evening because the way they are pretreatment media, and makes them hate themselves. i've got empirical evidence out the ones who you have groups of people that are self hating. they don't like themselves. seriously. i'll recommend a book you. friends know -- [inaudible] you read those, right and it will explain in far greater detail than i can right now. i will be happy to give you an e-mail address. i would e-mail you the citation that will tell you there are people that are black, latino, white, they don't like themselves. and this particular case, there are some white folks that don't fancy themselves as being white or wanting to be way. so therefore, because of the stereotypes ingrained in american society, they identify more with being white, so they reject black people. it's that simple. l