. >> next we'll hear from thomasa. >> again, good afternoon. i'm thomasa. the 244 000-0000 which of the proponents of the project which they foresee, there is a shortfall of $125 million for now. it says here in this conflict that the benefit is 20 percent faster transit travel time. so we just heard there is an express bus that already exist on geary boulevard. what i have been hearing about this over the past few years is the purpose of this is to make it easier for people to get downtown to their jobs faster. to me, $240 million shows some people in richmond to get to their jobs faster is a very poor use of taxpayer money especially because of all the tremendous hardship and risk it will cause for those who are elders, those who have mobility issues, those who have vision and hearing problems or issues and those of us who can not walk more than half a block. i happen to be lucky enough to have a car and i'm able to drive. there is no way that i can take munis if i had to walk. let's say a person lives a block or two off of geary boulevard. imagine having