he may have, unbeknownst to him when he did americorps, instilled part of the answer.others,er is service to connectedness to your community, and serving your fellow human being, your brother and sister, who needs help. that is how my medication for my disease of self-centeredness is trying to help someone else. i would just offer that as a broader topic. i know it eva from your issue of , how do we get doctors to change? frank lee, everyone has to change. -- frankly, everyone has to change. >> we were talking earlier. if you go back in time -- you mention abusing oxycontin which has become a very common word. a lot of may or may not know that it is a our cottage pain killer and there are a lot of different types, but they also really have the same effect. they are in the same family with morphine and heroin. drug,ommonly known street but more people are drying from prescription drug abuse than heroin and cocaine combined. if you go back in time when you were abusing oxycontin, where was your headspace? what ispart is difficult to understand is if you have never abuse