in temple in and she combines elements of buddhism confucianism and talents today the experts have come here to study an inscription which mentions the movie there was this inscription put on the temple. which part of the road was this temple built on. ay ay ay ay. east's worst teams in mud. he moves along the road. notice the terrain at this crossing looks strange. it seems that they are used in the past year. don't they. the chances of it. barely noticeable stone tablet known as attendees to the experts find a number of characters like this. february fifteen eleven thirty three. that you are close to full scale attack in sichuan. changing. rushed to the sun rose in his dealings on the heroes the military importance of the sunroom the cheese and sixty six the east of sichuan. she moaned. and the formidable mongolian cavalry came to sichuan province attack the southern song dynasty from three sides. the army was defeated. mon could push on to the supposedly invincible mongolian cavalry was stopped in its tracks. we the people of the southern song dynasty called it the miracle of fishing