[laughter] this is a big, plastic tote of castile soap, and it's one of the best castile soaps you canuy. >> so what's something like this cost? >> what is a tote? >> 4 grand. >> 4 grand. >> $4,000? >> yes. >> right. >> how much production can you get out of this? >> just under 5,000 units. >> we don't have a ton of room here, so we're buying one tote at a time, where maybe we need four totes to manufacture, you know, 5,000 to 10,000 units. >> but space is one confinement... >> yeah. >> for not having more of this. what's another confinement? >> we need more people. >> yeah. >> i mean, it's just a fact. >> jen is our sales team. >> what have you been doing? >> manufacturing the formula, you know, you name it. >> you understand that running your business that way is... >> yeah. >> not good for you. it's not good for the business. it's not good for anybody. if you don't have the working capital, if you don't have the human capital... >> yes. >> you will totally crumble. >> absolutely. >> yes. >> this business is facing a slew of issues, including the production process, the lack of machi