. >> reporter:according to the web site hsh=dotcom, san francisco is by far the priciest city for homeers, the only one with a triple-digit minimum income. >> reporter:it's way ahead of san diego and los angeles. and new york city looks positively affordable by comparison. but if you are looking for bargain housing, think location, location, location. cleveland, cincinnati, st. louis and atlanta are all citieswhere you need less than 25=thousand in income to afford a home. bullying -- it's a parent's worst nightmare and the consequences can be devastating. >> reporter:now the results of a new study show just how long-lasting the effects can be on a child. >> reporter:researchers at boston children's hospital call it a downward spiral. they followed more than four thousand kids from middle school to their high school. >> reporter:the results showed that if a child was bullied they were more likely to have issues with mental health, be less physically healthy, and have more symptoms of depression and lower self-worth. >> reporter:those who experienced consistent and chronic bullying were