i. hoenigswald: i mean, those things could be here, but they may have been painted in pigments that weren't dense. that's simply all at the x-r is picki up. rit; what about the color samples? how are they--where were they taken? and how do they correspond? what we thought might be most useful because we kne fromhe gouache that it was pink, anyou can see that we have a slide of the sample; you can see the pink layer which is hard to imagine it could be anything else but a bright pinkeotard. no, that corresponds exactly. it's even the same kind of nk. carmean: if we scribe the stages in the pntin casso firspaints an enlargemt he gouache showing the girl balancing on the ball. this is probably done in the fall of 1904. probably in march of 1905, this circus familyone composition is painted out and replaced by a second composition showing two boys standing in an empty landscape. at a later point, this composition is revised. .there, and probably the sequence is for these two to be here, b in a larger proportion, and they'rreduced, changed slightly, and then these two figures are added, pretty m