honor major price mont gumry for isthmpt she over sees the training in education for the 102 students inruled in the program which teaches achievement [inaudible] in a effort to file for constructive and disciplined learning environment. she volunteers for the global [inaudible] which affords students the students to experience a summer abroad in developing countries. [inaudible] served 26 years in the u.s. army and required with honors in 2013. major munt gumry is a part of the liberation of kuwait and the iraqy war. she has plans to begin a business administration plan in 2015. she lived in several states and countries and as a traveller embrays change. her commitment of the country and communities serves as huge [inaudible] we work foointhrich lives of students outside the classroom we atrack a [inaudible] such as major price mont gumry. today we want to thank her for her work and hope you will continue for many years at lincoln high school >> thank you all. i would like to thank [inaudible] with only 6 months of adult teaching and living in san francisco i feel i have a lot oto do and am