. >> lorin blanchard with the research service. interested on the volesky god and remediation going forward. ambassador bruce can imagine how critical the end to the process be far and timeliness in pressure they were very instrumental. going forward on an inclusive dialogue, the role they play in the cpa talks that was inclusive rather than inclusive process. i guess there's some questions about the will of uganda and its military operations in south sudan right now on behalf of the south sudan government, here is obviously a sitting head of state and head of state of the administration. ethiopia, uganda, these are one-party states. so in the interest of expanding the dialogue yawned the splm, are they necessarily the most superb riptide is to lead the effort going forward? >> okay, thank you. if you could remember to turn off your microphone when you're done. we will take one more question. ambassador bellamy, please. >> hi, mark l. at may, former director of the advocacy center. my question is sort of parallel to warrants. this