. >> mr. holtzreports that other zoos, private philanthropists were willing to step in and make sure this giraffe wasn't killed. why not do that? why kill the giraffe? >> because first of all because it was a surplus to the population. and it's right that we got two offers from other zoos. but they were not real offers. because one of these zoos was already part of the breeding program, so they had been considered already when we did the basic analysis of the program to see where this male would fit in genetically. the other one was outside the program and didn't work according to the same values as we do. i mean, by not selling animals to anyone. we exchange animals for free. and we don't want to sell -- we don't want to send our animal to places where we don't know what happens to it after we have delivered it. >> what's worse that could happen to an animal, though, than being killed? i mean, you say you don't want to send to it a place you don't know what's going to happen to it. you know what's