i'm not going to say i'm shocked or anything like that, i'm too old for that, but he said that pope paul vi was providing a document on liturgy premature me. i've never heard anyone criticize a predecessor, he wasn't pope yet. he said we do not direct the god directed part of liturgy he said it was too human. he said mass back to the people was important. and so then he becomes pope and egos some things that are at least funny as far as i'm concerned and not in a humorous way. the first one is to allow the unreformed bread of the mass in latin to be an extraordinary form of the eucharist and as i say at the same time this will not divide our church. well, the under formed right, if you celebrate it and look at it, creates one type of catholic, a consumer of priestly power. you're watching a show, there is no sense of being missioned because the priests are the ones in charge of religion. i find that for a second our translation, i don't care what people think of the translation -- i do, but that's not the issue. the issue is no one asks for a translation. the people of god did not. the bish