it's our success in the 80's and 90's we stopped becoming an underdog partly because of we don' see prosperi. but also the fall of the soviet union meant we were suddenly left with no rival, and this self-esteem psych locally accept your strife in some of the way of needing to prove yourself at the individual level and national level may be down played a little bit. >> you wrote that the reality, uncomfortable as it may be, some religious and ethnic groups are starkly more successful than others. were you concerned that you would accused of being racist as in fact, you have been. >> it never occurred to me because it's amazing that you can't just state the statistics. lebanese and iranian americans have this median any no income. it's in the census. if you can't state a statistic. aaron-americans s.a.t. points are above the average, very stark. if you can't state without stereotyping, then how are we going to address some of these problems. what's interesting, it doesn't mean that these groups are better. this book is about the rise and fall of groups. after groups enjoy a period of success,