in spientd. -- sandpoint. elected mayor just two years ago and having served the two previous years on the city council, mayor oglevy leaves a giant hole in those hearts and in the broader community. the business and professional experience mayor ogilvy brought was wide and varied and earned her the respect of many. earlier in her career she served in restaurant and retail management when she and her husband francis arrived in sandpoint they opened a couple of small businesses, the candy cottage and all smiles, a gift shop. but marsha ogilvy was not just about business. she cared deeply about the health, welfare, and success of women and children. soon after moving to idaho, and well before entering public service she established cinderhaven, a nonprofit community organization which is dedicated to supporting children in crisis. founded in 1996 and under the vision and compassionate care of marsha ogilvy, more than 1,300 children have found the all-important help they needed in times of their great distress so