for instance, we had an approval to retain balances for alice griffith for mexican museum, african-american museum of diaspora. there were balances retained for rops 2 and 3 at the time due diligence reviews were done. what dos has said they clarified, if you have any of those balances left, you need to show that on rops 1415 a. if it's restricted or needed for enforable obligation [speaker not understood]. they instructed us if you have any money left you said you needed to hang onto for rops 2 and 3, you have the next rops period to get that out the door. we tried to incorporate that. and then the other thing they clarified is then if you had received rptts in a rops period and you encumbered that to a contract in that same rops period, how do you show that on rops 1415 a? and they did say, well, again, if the expenditure is happening after this now longer accrual period, they did want to sort of see that activity in reserves. so, even though you will have previously reported that amount as expended because you've encumbered it to a contract, it's no longer available to be redistributed a