amin, jim galestbi karl macmurbo. william benou craig catra. >> and if i may, before we do that, supervisor i know that people feel very passionate about this issue, but, to keep the meeting flowing, i would ask you to refrain from clapping, you know, you can signal your approval so that we can hear as many people as possible, thank you. >> microphone. >> so it should be on now. >> yes, thank you, mark and speaking for united taxi cab workers and i can say that as a participant in the cpuc proceedings they were not fair proceedings and these companies went into business complete lie against the law and the cerebral palsy who gave them their blessing after having started the proceedings and then in the document that initiated those proceedings they said, these proceedings are being called to determine how to regulate this industry. and not whether to regulate it, not whether they had the authority and jurisdiction to do so. but how to do it. and it went on from there, we never had a fair shot at this. and right now, th