it looks like john bran thennan more in-cliclined to give terro more credibility. >> and i asked about that and they said there is no space with those two positions. these were public comments and it would be irresponsible in effect for director to say we have eliminated anything. the fact is they have to chase down these leads. they haven't found anything hard to say that there is a link to terrorism. but they have to keep searching because there are all questions and no answer about this flight. and only that changes, they won't rule anything out. >> jim sciutto, thanks very much. let's bring in peter king from new york. so what is your -- i know you're getting a lot of information, congressman. what is your inclination right now? >> i would say nothing can be ruled in, nothing can be ruled out. i agree there has been no link shown to terrorism, but on the other hand, there has been no answer for any of this. certainly if we have a plane where the transponder is off, where the route does almost a 180, we have to assume that everything has to be looked at and obviously terrorism would