. >> go ahead, kimberly mcguire. >> sure, the reality is that these regulations have nothing to do with protecting women's health and safety. joe was correct when it said that the texas state legislature can't outlaw abortion but policy makes who want to outlaw abortion completely have done their best to make it accessible. there is no reason for the restrictions we've heard about. these bias counseling laws to force a woman listen to a script written not by a doctor but a politician. so unfortunately the reality of these policies is that abortion clinics that serve women are being shut down. these clinics provide other important care that is now being denied to women in huge parts of texas, and it's very hurtful. >> i think those other parts of healthcare are very important and we'll talk about them later in the program. but in legislation after legislation, voters send senators to austin who are anti-abortion. isn't it just using politics and using the function of the legislator to make them harder to get? >> you know, i think we can disagree on abortion, and it can bring up strong fe