when the curtain rises, leo gala, wearing a cook's hat and apron, is busy beating an egg in a basin with a wooden spoon. now, do i really have to wear a cook's hat? yes, my dear fellow. a cook's hat and you beat eggs. and if that's not enough, you have to represent the shells of the eggs that you're beating. [laughter] do you understand now? no. neither do i. however, let's get on with it. mm? oh, yes. i suggest you turn towards camera a bit, about a three-quarter face. otherwise, what with the abstruseness of the dialogue, and no one being able to hear you-- are you listening to me? listen when i'm explaining a thing. there are some people here, governor, who would like a word with you. who are you and what do you want? you know perfectly well no one's allowed in here during rehearsal. we are here in search of an author. what? in search of an author? which author? any author, sir. there's no author here. we're not rehearsing a new play. so much the better, sir. we will be your new play. are you people trying to be funny? on the contrary, we are bringing you a terrible and grievous drama