joining me, peter obrin, and writer dave mckenna who wrote a column about dan snyder, owner of the washingtonteam. snyder sued the paper over it. the suit was later dropped. dave, i'll begin with you. why won't he change the name? what is it here? is it tradition? is it just money? what's the deal? >> it's because people told him to change the name. he will change -- tradition doesn't really mean much to dan snyder. he changed the level, the club level at fedex field, it was called the joe gibbs level, as sacred a figure as there is in redskins nation. he changed that to stubhub level this year for money. so he will still out. but he also is a very stubborn man. he will not do what you want him to do. >> you think it's literally the fact people are saying you have to do this that's making him say i will not do it because you're telling me to do it? >> absolutely. if he could come up with a way to make it look like it's his idea, he'd change it tomorrow. >> do you think there will be a rising crescendo where players say, this is a problem, i don't want to play for a team that has a name like t