ronnie abigail to get letters understanding of it and how it might tie in to be part of the administration's push for national disgrace. sea. what unique conference was held in the korean national assembly library last month. it was something called a cuban library conference. human library a program that leads out humans instead of books with the goal of enhancing understanding. it was started in denmark and has expanded to about seventy nations over the last year. korea is also trying to find ways to better integrate society. true to human life the body of regaled inventor of the human library. and here i would be to promoting social integration and bertuzzi preconceived notions. mr gill thank you very much for being on the show they care for me now you are one of the driving forces behind this idea this human library idea which i must say. sounds very unique and i think many people would agree with me and it might not quite understand what this idea is if you call it and give us a better understanding of what could you elaborate is and what of dots. well it's it's it's an opportunity to t