. -- an wire build wirelessto networks as opposed to wireline. why is wireless held to a higher standard? if anything, i think we should encourage wireless broadband at every stage of deployment. we have seen that from congress. i believe they want to do that and we are anxious to engage with them and discuss this issue with them. do with thew to challenges of how to deal with that much data demanded by consumers and the act rewrite is well time. it does not happen in just one congress. it can take several to get it done. the time to begin is now. >> there is another network underway. it is the first responder network and it would be a nationwide public safety broadband network. they only have $7 billion. they said they want to try to partner as much as they can with the private sector because you said there are hundreds of thousands of cell towers out there. what are your members hoping to be able to gain and what opportunities are they hoping for from the first responder network? >> it is long overdue. i worked on this when i was with the fcc i