i want to talk more with frederick pleitgen in kiev. frederick, obviously another source of tension here. calling for russia forces to vacate buildings and disarm. this agreement is not being followed. russia's foreign minister putting the blame on ukraine. any response from the other side? >> reporter: the ukrainians say they believe what's going on in the eastern part of ukraine right now is being steered by the russian federation. they say russia is looking for a pretext to invade eastern ukraine. they've actually threatened to continue a military operation that they started last week but which was put on hold over the easter holidays if, in fact, those buildings are not vacated soon. it's interesting, when you speak to people on the ground here in ukraine, a lot of them when you ask about the visit of the vice president that's going to start here today, they're very realistic about what the u.s. can actually do at this point. there's many who say they want moral support first and foremost. they think it's a very good thing the u.s. i