joining us now for the interview tonight is retired manchester police officer john breckinridge. ge. thank you very much for being with us tonight. i really appreciate your being willing to talk with us about the subject. >> thank you for having me. >> can you tell me a little bit more, tell us a little bit more about you changing your mind, the transformation that you -- that you had from your initial views on the death penalty after your partner was killed to how you feel about it now? >> it's really a simple answer, actually. as a christian i have to respect the dignity and the value of human life. and that counts even for people who do horrible things. i just -- i can't be part of when this person is going to be executed years after the event. it's not in the heat of the moment. like i said, as a christian i have to respect life. i have to stand up for it. and as i said i just can't do what i see is not revenge and support the death penalty. >> the vote to repeal the death penalty in new hampshire this week it came really, really close. the repeal vote was very strong in the h