front and center given that it shares the border with the country, i discussed this issue with ken morris, the president of the cross border group in san diego. ken's firm has a mexican subsidiary nearby in tijuana. he estimates that jobs are directly related to trade between the united states and mexico, i asked about the impact on the u.s. economy. >> every year you have 100 million legal mexican residing, they cross the border, they come to the united states. they visit our stores. they go to our movie theaters. they buy products and then they go back into mexico. in that economic side of the coin is usually overlooked, which gets lost in illegal immigration and narcotic trafficking. >> when you talk about thi in ts is what resounds, they get this impression that america is an ain't immigrant place. but when it comes to the u.s. trade between the united states and mexico, does the same thing happen in arizona, the vitriol c of what we hear here. >> one of the things that we saw on the mexico side of the border during the whole discussion about sb 1070 was a dissonance between the mexic