the other part of the retina outside of the macula called the peripheral retina. this is very important, too, because it's the part of the retina that lets us see in the dark. so this is low-light vision. actually, you can appreciate this part of the retina, too, because if you've ever looked at a starry night, if you've noticed if you don't point your eye directly at the star but you look a little off kilter, the star gets brighter, and that's because you're using the edges of your retina, the peripheral retina, which has very high sensitivity for light but isn't as good for high resolution images. so we have these two aspects of the retina. now, the last thing i want to talk about is what are the types of neurons in the retina. so we can look at a blowup of this macular region. there are nerve cells -- specialized nerve cells in the retina that are capable of converting light energy to a neural signal, and those are called the photoreceptors. there are two kinds of photoreceptors. there are the rods and there are the cones. the cones are the photoreceptors that