of fees to the business which they end up passing back to the consumer as saving through the level upapp. adam: are you dropping your fee that you charge to process these transactions to zero? or do you still have to charge a little something to make some money, don't you? >> so over the last year, level up charged merchants 2% in payment processing, 2% flat, all in about half the price if they were processing credit cards directly. our pledge to merchants as our algorithms to make moving money more efficient drive our costs down we'll pass savings on to the merchants. on wednesday for the first time we actually dropped our processing fee for merchants from 2% to 1.95%. and we're going to keep dropping it over the next couple of months, lower and lower. adam: got to ask you this one quick question. wouldn't this be a business killer for level up? some kind of reader that would be across the universe in which all you have to do is have a program in your smartphone that translates your credit card into a code that can be read and boom? you don't have to do level up? it is just one generic?