specially strong for 48-year-old andreas widmar. >> a lot of people come looking for hope and meaningnd expressing their faith. they are responding to a call of john paul ii who said "do not be afraid and turn to god and have faith." he knows that call well arriving in rome as a 20-year-old swiss guard. since the 15th century the guards have been responsible for the pope's security. when andreas widmar met john paul, he was agnostic. >> i came because i thought being a body guard was the coolest thing you could do. once i met john paul, i would see him pray and i felt differently. someone felt such a peace, it made me want to pray. >> he taught that faith didn't have to be difficult and complicated, it could fulfil him. he talked about how i was made for excellence, and my faith could help me fly like an eagle. to sore to the heights. >> pope francis echoed and expanded that message. john paul ii was seen as conservative, john xxiii as progressive. >> translation: john xxiii and john paul ii cooperated with the holy spirit in renewing and updating the church, keeping with its supreme