hasn't had its first hearing. >> let's give aaron a chance. >> look, to suggest xavier becerra or aaron schock controls the fund raising apparatus of either of our parties -- >> shame on you, aaron. >> sir, both sides raise money on substantive issues we debate. investigating benghazi. affordable care act or obamacare. the democratic party raised money off george w. bush and the iraq war, raised money off of environmental issues, off keystone pipeline. you guys have sent out all kinds of fund-raising mail on environmental concerns with keystone. so, look, both sides' political apparatuses do what they do to raise money and drive whatever the hot-topic issue of today. that should not determine our -- >> we know what -- >> moderators' privilege here and say there would be those who disagree with those raising money off four dead americans. >> howard, if i could get this one point in. >> house republicans ought to be doing right now, there are things that would actually help the american people instead of wasting their time and money. >>> and here's a "crossfire" quiz about wasting time. not coun