, racism, homo phobia and you have a greater level of the antisemittism. why? the difference is the culture. the difference is the environment. in this country, while the law permits you to be a bigot, you will pay a price if you are a bigot. soil will make you pay a price. look at sterling. okay? look at what's happening to him. here he was a bigot in private. and yet, our society says, uh-uh. if you want to play in our culture, we saw it with mel gibson, with politicians. we see it with business people. while this country, yeah, you have a right to be a bigot. at the same time, if you are a bigot, you are going to pay a price because our society doesn't tolerate it. >> with sterling, he is jewish. does that hurt? >> it's embarrassing. you know, we are not immune. we have our bigots. we have our criminals. yeah. it's only when people single them out, look at this jew as... i wish, you know, i wish he was smarter. i wish he had a better sense. he wish he understood his judaism better, but okay. >> mel gibson, you were instrumental in giving him. >> i give