representative paul ray says a firing squad would be a quick and humane way. joining me now is nbc legal analyst faith jenkins okay, let's try and tackle this one. because a couple weeks ig an sh, ago, we saw the botched injection in oklahoma. death penalty opponents are using lockette's death. trying to argue it is cruel and unusual punishment. you've got people favoring the death penalty. do you think the recent controversies will give any weight to representative paul ray's proposal? >> states are really facing a quandary. they don't have access to the three-drug cocktail that used to be used to describe as painlessly end someone's life. now states have been looking at pharmacies to come up with largely unteted drugs to use to come. then you have the result of what happened in oklahoma. so opponents are saying if you know in advance there is a substantial likelihood these drugs are not going to work and prolong the ending of someone's life, i think after 45 minutes, clayton locket eventually died of a heart attack, opponents are saying that is cruel and unusual punishment. lawmakers knl o s come out and ,